Console storage required in order both models can be used as a decorative accessory, living rooms or in areas where they used one of the important product that allows the emergence of an elegant image.
Different colors and models, as well as in the manufacture of our products that you may have Minar with quality furniture, links to accessories from the parts used premium materials. In addition to material quality workmanship quality furniture Minar again, it is important privilege that makes a difference in our console model. Always firm that is trying to offer you the best quality, our integrity to the conceptual aspects of decorating your living space with different options continues to add.
18 mm chipboard with melamine surface and top quality Products developed so that is has a longer lifetime. As with all our products, until they reached the edge bands Mina Furniture console models used quality materials, are among the few products where you can find a lot more than your expectations.
Our console, is manufactured in accordance with European Union health conditions and in no way has the E1 certificate does not contain carcinogenic substances.
Minar Furniture Modern Console Models
2 year warranty with companies we offer for sale, the products that we produce ourselves, financing options and advantages you can have with free shipping.
Areas will add elegance to the modern image products, also offers a highly functional use. As with our domestic sales, consoles made exports to many countries abroad, in different colors, designs and features with great interest.
What Should Be Considered While Selecting the console?
● quality of manufactured products to be used for the surface, providing a longer product life. Therefore be first-class quality of the melamine surface to be used is important.
● Connection parts and accessories in all equipment such, must be at least as much as quality products. Otherwise the product will be formed in the connecting portions blanking or fracture creates great disadvantages in the product use.
● In addition to being a good quality of workmanship edge band is made, it is of great importance. Because of similar furniture products, it will be revealed over the edge as soon as unpleasant image of the removal tape, so should be avoided.
● Completely must conform to health, E1 certificate must be produced from raw materials with which the European Union has given to healthy products.
Minar as furniture, we continue to offer you the most reasonable prices is always best. Top-level as our own manufactured products with functional properties, you can add a touch of elegance to your living space.