Social Compliance Policy
Creating an environment where Gama personnel can work healthily and happily is our company's primary goal. It is our duty to act in accordance with all national and international laws and regulations, starting with the recruitment process of our employees. It is our responsibility to never discriminate in our company during recruitment, not to employ child labor, not to act in any way that violates personal rights, starting with the determination of working conditions, and to ensure the health and safety conditions of employees in the workplace.
Our employees have the right to work hours, wage payment, benefit from holiday and leave practices within the framework of the Labor Law, and to become members of unions and be represented.
It is essential to provide regular training to all personnel, including newly hired personnel, and to constantly raise awareness about working conditions, occupational health and safety.
Bribery, corruption, etc. and any behavior that would lead to this are strictly prohibited in our company and in any action taken outside on behalf of our company.
Our principle is to apply the Procurement Rules criteria and, when necessary, to eliminate nonconformities by implementing corrective actions and to continuously improve the system with the participation of all our employees.
Accountability, transparency, effective behavior, respect for the parties, respect for the law, and respect for international norms of behavior are our policies.
The basic principles of the Child Labour, Forced Labour and Youth Employment Policy are stated below:
- It develops practices in accordance with all local laws on child labor, forced labor and youth employment in Turkey and all other countries where it operates, represents and manages operations, as well as the standards of the United Nations International Labor Organization (ILO) and international agreements in these areas.
- does not permit child labour or forced labour, and does not tolerate it among its suppliers.
- Prohibits all forms of forced labor, including prison labor, indenture, bonded labor, military or slave labor, and all forms of human trafficking
- It permits the employment of young people, on the condition that their working hours do not exceed the working hours of the young person, and that they work in jobs that support the professional development of the young person, part-time or full-time, in the light work category.
- Young workers or trainees who will work for the company or its suppliers must be registered as required by local law.
- Young workers are required to be given a thirty-minute break in jobs lasting more than two hours but less than four hours, and a one-hour break in the middle of the working time in jobs lasting from four hours to seven and a half hours.
- All of our suppliers who employ young workers are required to comply with the standards set out in this Policy.
· Our company respects the constitutional rights of all employees against Sexual, Psychological Harassment and Discrimination and does not compromise on this issue. Individuals who exhibit such unacceptable behavior will be referred to the Ethics Committee. After their defense is received and if the violations they have committed are proven, their employment contracts will be terminated immediately. Increasing the awareness of all employees about the following concepts is of great importance to the Company.
· It can be defined as behaviors that violate personal rights protected by the TMK and TCK, or that create a disturbing working environment/disrupt the order of the workplace, that are not directed at a specific person, that are punishable by imprisonment, or that are against the rules of morality and good faith, that are based on sexual gender or sexual preference.
· It refers to psychological and even physical aggressive behavior applied to a person's self-confidence in a systematic and continuous manner with the aim of intimidating the employee. In other words, it is the act of excluding a person or several people who have declared an unwanted person in the workplace, verbally or physically abusing them and forcing them to obey absolutely, intimidating and harassing them.
· It is unfair treatment that involves treating a person less favorably than others because of their gender, race, skin color, religion or belief, political opinion, sexual orientation, age, disability, or national, social or ethnic origin.
· Employees who have concerns or complaints about these issues can leave their complaints in the request/complaint boxes or they can contact the personnel department directly.
· Our company respects the right of its employees to join, not join or form a union without fear of discrimination, dismissal, intimidation or harassment. It undertakes to establish a constructive dialogue with freely chosen representatives of employees represented by a legally recognized union and to bargain in good faith with such representatives.
All suppliers of Minar are socially compliant When practices that are contrary to its policies and standards are encountered, the business relationship with the supplier is terminated. Minar also expects its suppliers to apply the principles and standards set forth in this Policy when selecting and working with their own suppliers.